UPDATED – Group Art Exhibitions at Prairiewoods and 16th Avenue Grill

Prairiewoods Franciscan Spiritual Center 120 E. Boyson Rd, Hiawatha, IA, United States

PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE FOR 16th AVENUE GRILL Artwork will be rotated at 10:00a.m. on January 6th at Prairiewoods and 9:00a.m. on January 13th at 16th Avenue Grill. Creative Artists offers the opportunity to exhibit members’ works at several places in the greater Cedar Rapids community. Artwork is rotated bi-monthly for viewers to enjoy and […]

Creative Artists Monthly Meeting & Showcase

Marion Heritage Center 590 10th St, Marion, Iowa

Time of meeting TBD Following a short business meeting, Amy Mueggenberg will continue her showcase on tips and tricks for participating in art shows. We look forward to seeing you. Guests are always welcome. Contact us at creativeartistsiowa@gmail.com if you have any questions.