2025 Creative Artists Fine Art Show & Sale
Marion Christian Church * 1050 McGowan Blvd * Marion, IA
Fri May 2nd 5-8pm, Sat May 3rd 9-4
Who can apply? Artists working in any fine art medium, 2D or 3D. All works should be original or not copied from another piece of art. Work created with the use of commercial kits, molds, patterns or pre-fabricated forms will not be allowed. If you are selling products that pertain to Iowa’s 3 state Universities, you will need to provide proof of your license from them. No direct sales representatives/companies will be allowed.
How do I apply? Fill out an application and submit up to 4 digital images* of your work + 1 booth photo by February 25th to Teri at creativeartistsiowa@gmail.com
*Images should be high resolution JPEG. Images must be labeled with the artist’s last name, first name, and image number. (Example: JonesBob01.jpeg). For promotional purposes, a list of accepted artists and images of their art will be added to the Creative Artists of Iowa Facebook page, the event webpage & social media. Creative Artists of Iowa reserves the right to exclude an artist’s images on the website or other promotional materials due to poor image quality.
Artists will be notified regarding acceptance into the 2025 Creative Artists of Iowa Art Show and informed of their booth fee. Once notified, accepted artists will have until March 25th to submit rental fees to reserve a booth. If rental fees are not received by this time, booth space cannot be guaranteed.
Booth Spaces
Each accepted artist will have an assigned booth. Limited tables are available for rent if needed. Chairs will be provided free of charge. Artists must provide their own display units within the booth assignment dimensions. A limited number of 8’ x 2.5’ rental tables are available and must fit within your booth size allowing you to exit your booth without going through another artist’s booth space. All tables must be covered and skirted. Creative Artists of Iowa has the authority to adjust booths for visual or safety reasons. Tents and tent frames are not allowed inside the building.
In an effort to diversify the art available for purchase and ensure quality product, Creative Artists of Iowa reserves the right to exclude any artist. Display booth preference will be honored whenever possible, but Creative Artists of Iowa reserves the right to assign booths as needed for improved variety and traffic flow.
The event will be open to the public and free to all who attend.
2025 Creative Artists Fine Art Show & Sale Schedule
Applications will be accepted until all booths are filled
By March 10 – Notification of acceptance
March 25 – Accepted artist rental fee deadline
April 15 – Cancellation refunds denied after this date
Friday May 2, 2pm to 4:30pm – Show Set up
Friday May 2, 5pm to 8pm – Show open
Saturday May 3, 9am to 4pm – Show open
Saturday May 3, 4pm-5:30pm – Show tear down & clean up
Indoor booth Size: 8’ wide x 8’ deep indoors
Indoor booth Fee: $75 for Creative Artist members or $95 for non-members. Limit 1 booth.
Outside booths spaces are available on the church lawn, if desired. 12’ x 12’ Notes: Ground surface is grass. Artists for the outdoor spaces are responsible for providing their own tent. Electricity is not available. No generators.
Outdoor Booth Fee: $50
Chairs: Free
8’x2.5’ Tables available for rent: $5 each. Limited quantity.
Electricity: $10
Artists are responsible for collection and payment of the 7% Iowa Sales Tax.
Cancellation: Submission of payment upon acceptance indicates commitment to participate in the 2025 Creative Artists Fine Art Show & Sale.
Liability Insurance: The artist will carry the necessary insurance to cover art objects and other property displayed at the 2025 Creative Artists Fine Art Show & Sale. Creative Artists of Iowa and Marion Christian Church are exonerated from all liability of any nature while said objects are on display and are not responsible for any accidental loss or damage of any kind.
Set-up & Take-down: The day of the 2025 Creative Artists Fine Art Show & Sale, the artists may set-up between 2pm & 4:30 pm on Friday May 2. Take-down on Saturday May 3rd should not begin before 4:00 pm and must be completed by 5:30 pm. Artists are encouraged to provide their own carts for unloading/loading of their art and booth display items.
Food: There will be a church bake sale open throughout the event with proceeds going to the 2025 Marion Christian Church Guatemala trip mission fund. There will also be a food truck on site Saturday with a portion of their proceeds going to the Guatemala mission trip as well.
We are always looking for new and different artists & crafters that make unique handmade/homemade items, so please pass information about our event to other artists/crafters you think might be a good addition to the show.
Apply here: Artist Application Form